Monday, October 28, 2013

The Nearly Successful Egg Drop Experiments

Project Overview: There were two parts to this project. The first was a mini egg drop, where limited resources were given such as paper, popsicle sticks, and rubber bands. Our intention was to protect the egg from increasing drops up to several meters. In the second part, we designed a more effective design with materials we could bring from home, with the goal of protecting the egg from falls of one to two stories.

Technological Concepts: Quite a few concepts were learned in this project. We had to learn how aerodynamics affected the fall of an object. We learned how to manipulate how impulses were exerted on the design, where increasing the distance and thus time decreased the force applied to the egg. Crumple zones and "seat-belts" were used to accomplish this mainly. Minimizing acceleration, or rate of change in velocity over time, was important to some designs. Managing inertia, or the tendency for objects to remain in motion or at rest unless acted on by an outside force, was important for all designs to consider.

Learning Goals: While learning the concepts was important, this project focused on applying the design process with an actual goal. We learned to research, brainstorm ideas, implement them, test them, and use feedback to improve our designs. Well thought out, effective designs were the goal of this process, whether we had limited or abundant resources.
Mini Egg-drop Design

Mini Egg-Drop Design: We used an absorbing pad, with a net of string that would absorb the impact. This idea implementation failed, but we also had rubber bands above the egg attached to popsicle sticks, which were very effective at absorbing the force. A rubber band around the side secured the egg. However, the sides of the egg were left entirely vulnerable. In the second test, the design fell on its side, and the egg instantly broke.

Big Egg-Drop Design, before cotton
Big Egg-Drop Design: We took the egg and put it into part of an egg carton. Then, rubber bands were attached to the ends of the box which secured the egg in place. Furthermore, cotton was placed all around the box to increase the absorbing potential of the design. Lastly, egg carton segments were placed on the side of the box striking the ground, which acted as a crumple zone.

Our design succeeded for the one-story drop, with no damage to the egg at all, or the design. On the two-story drop, our poor aerodynamics caused the box to flip and land on the railing on its side, which our design was not intended for. It broke quite badly on this test.

Positive Feedback: The project did a good job of teaching the design process, and I was reasonably satisfied with the way our second design did its job. Throughout the design, we used feedback on mini-tests and added cotton and egg carton segments to improve its performance.

Redesign: If given a second attempt at the project, the premise would be very similar. However, a square box with rubber bands from all six sides would be used for stability from any angle. Foam would be used inside the box as a more effective method of absorbing force. Perhaps even foam on the outsides would be used to truly safeguard the egg.

Technological Resources: We had me, George Lancaster, and the advice of Dr. Sartori. This labor was enacted by us, with the information we held. Time was also a resource given into this several week project. Lastly, materials were the limited materials given by Dr. Sartori in the mini egg-drop, and the box, rubber bands, cotton, and egg cartons for the big egg-drop.

Biggest Challenge: The biggest challenge for the mini egg drop was trying to keep the egg secure in the design, in a way that it wouldn't jostle. For the big egg drop, weight was our main problem. We had the deftness and dexterity to create the design, but we really couldn't put as much padding in as we wanted to to due to the weight limit.

What We Learned: George and I learned how to use the design process to decide on a given design, and make an effective device that could accomplish a given goal, by a given time. I was able to apply concepts that I learned last year to an actual application. Lastly, George and I learned that it was wise not to stick perfectly to our design; by remaining flexible and open to new ideas, we made our design far more effective that it would have been otherwise.

We weren't allowed to use parachutes for the big egg drop, but can you imagine how magical using one in real life would be!

Monday, October 14, 2013

What is Technology?

Technology is any human-made object designed to solve problems or advance human potential.

There are three fields:
  1. Physical -- This includes areas like transportation, manufacturing, constructing, and other inorganic technologies.
  2. Information/Communication -- Send or receiving information, by human or machine. The internet and telephone are examples.
  3. Bio-related -- Biology related technologies like prosthetics, human safety devieces, cloning, and environmental protection.
To utilize technology, systems may be created. A system is a network which converts an input to an output through a specific process, with feedback that governs it.
        There are two types of systems within the Universal Systems model. The open-loop system has no means to automatically use feedback to alter the input/process, and requires external intervention to control the system. The closed-loops system automatically monitors feedback and controls the input and process.

 There are seven resources of technology:
  1. Tools/Machines/Processes -- Any technologies that are utilized in a system
  2. Materials -- Resources from the earth
  3. People -- The skills and knowledge of individuals
  4. Capital -- The money required to enable a system
  5. Energy -- The heat, electricity, or other energy necessary
  6. Time -- Any time the system requires
  7. Information - Knowledge people have garnered

Raw materials, people, time, tools, and energy are all inputs of this system
To use this knowledge, the problem solving process is essential.
  1. Identify the Problem -- Define what the need is.
  2. Set goals - These should be realistic, considering the resources.
  3. Research -- Acquire the necessary information to solve the problem.
  4. Create Ideas -- Freely brainstorm ideas.
  5. Select the Best Ideas -- Rank your ideas by their strengths, and select the best design overall based on your need.
  6. Implement -- Make the design into reality.
  7. Test -- Use the idea in real life situations.
  8. Feedback -- Evaluate the test results, and adjust the design to improve its effectiveness.

Nuclear Reactors, composed of very complex open and closed-loop systems, once were considered magical. They still are to many even today.

About the Author

My name is Russell Warila, and I am in the class of 2014. Cross country is my primary focus, of which I am part of the varsity team. Right now this is really the activity I'm putting all my energy into. I am also a member of NHS, and occasionally do ultimate frisbee. Engineering looks to be the field I will be studying in college, although I don't have interest in any specific field yet. I will be looking to figure that out as I learn more about them -- however, I find very interesting the "magical" technologies like quantum technology and our current adventures in nuclear fusion, among other specific technologies.
I am on the left

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."  - Arthur Clarke

                       One such "magical" technology is the quantum computer.