Thursday, November 14, 2013

Summary of the First Trimester

Throughout the course, I learned several new concepts. Although I knew much from AP physics, I didn't know a lot of things. For example, the testing process that goes into making safe cars in accordance with physics. I learned about string instruments as well, from how they are built to the science behind it. I knew about amplitude, vibration and resonance, but I didn't know how volume affects the resonance of an instrument. This was the first time using tools such as the band saw, jigsaw, belt sander, and drill press. It was certainly pretty cool to learn how to use them.

One of the biggest things I learned was how to apply the design process to creating new products. From planning to testing, I had never used a specific method to make good designs. It's cool to think that we're using the same thing that high-level engineers at large companies use to make their products as well. I could also see how important it was to truly understand science to make a useful technology.

In the future, I plan to pursue engineering. Certainly the knowledge about tools will come in handy at some point in my life; more importantly, this served as an introductory experience to how I will solve problems in the future. That pretty cool to think about -- I could certainly see myself having a job in this type of process. Knowing that you're creating technology is definitely a cool thing.
Definitely one of the coolest things of the future will be the technology -- what will seem magic to us then?

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